Androstenone vs. Androsterone


There can be a lot of confusion out there when it comes to researching pheromones. Often with as hard as the words are to spell they often get misspelled, for instance Androstenone and Androsterone. One letter and the results can be quite different. Let me clear up for you really quick the differences between Androstenone and Androsterone.
Androstenone – Androstenone is common in humans. This pheromone is found in both men and women, but is predominantly known of as a male pheromone. It typically allows the wearer to have an aura that is dominant, intimidating, or even aggressive. Pheromones containing this product are likely to assert an alpha male impression which helps you be the center of attention and be more noticed. That kind of alpha male aggressiveness is often linked with a good mate choice and leads to sex. It creates a sexual vibe and increases sexual tension. Being slightly intimidating to the opposite sex actually does cause attraction to build. Androstenone has also been known to cause people to act more respectfully and polite to the wearer.
Androsterone – Androsterone is a human only pheromone. Males with a higher amount of Androsterone production are more masculine. It makes the wearer appear more masculine and dominant, but without the aggression of Androstenone. This pheromone also creates an aura of safety, protection and reliability normally associated with a more peaceful alpha male which women tend to gravitate towards.
They are slightly similar, but they do have different effects, so it is important to get a product with the desired effects.
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