Pheromones for Women by Pheromone Advantage

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Attention Women: Once you see how EASY this is, you’ll wonder why you never tried this before…

The ‘Attraction Secret’ That Makes You Absolutely
Irresistible to Men,
Without Having to DO or SAY
 Anything Different

This Work Silently on Your Behalf, Driving Men Wild with Desire,
and Proximity Is All That Matters

dr amend’s letter

From: Dr. Virgil Amend, the leading pheromone expert.

Sunday, February 23rd 2025

Dear Friend,

Are you in a relationship that seemed amazing at first, but soon you got that feeling that something wasn’t right but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it?

This couple lacks commitmentOr have you ever tried to have "THE TALK” to find out the status of your relationship, only to have him pull away and grow cold and distant.

If you're like a lot of women who are frustrated with a guy who can't commit, or if you ever get the feeling that his wandering eyes, are wandering a bit too far, then we need to talk.

In fact, millions of women just like you are feeling unappreciated and have a burning desire to turn things around, and the good news is that you can. 

So, if you are serious about having an improved love life, with more enjoyment, and increased satisfaction, then this will absolutely be the most important message you will ever hear.

Let me explain why...

You are about to discover something that is so simple, so easy to use, and so outside of the box - you may not have ever considered it until now.

It's one of nature's secret weapons called pheromones  [fer-uh-mohns]. These clever little "survival-of-the-species" hormones are used by almost all living creatures to attract the opposite sex and draw them in - including you and I.

You can't see them or smell them, yet pheromones can arouse a persons interest with gut level passion by triggering attraction signals we is already programmed to feel.

No matter good your relationship is now, pheromones can take it to the next level. Pheromones are nearly odorless, and can now be worn on the skin as a lotion for maximum effect.

Best part is, nobody will know you're wearing them!

One whiff of this nearly odorless yet alluring scent and your man will be subconsciously overwhelmed with emotions and feelings of passion, love and commitment for you.

You will be blown away how quickly this can turn things around for the better.

Finally you will have the relationship you have always dreamed of having, and one that you can brag about to your family and friends.

[maxbutton id="33"] 

Never Heard of Pheromones?

If this all sounds a little far fetched, I totally understand. I thought so too when I first heard about pheromones and the wondrous powers of attraction. 

But I soon discovered dozens of double blind and university studies demonstrating precisely how they work, and confirming these nearly magical and promising effects.

It's really quite simple. Pheromones are natural airborne chemical hormones that our bodies emit to arouse the opposite sex and draw them in.

Pheromones have been a tool of biology for millions of years and play a key role in the natural mating instincts for both men and women. These instincts and our pheromone response systems have been "hard wired" into all of us from the beginning for one main purpose... and that is to make babies and raise families.

dr amend’s recommendation

Dr. Virgil Amend

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tsl open — Never heard of pheromones?

Introducing Dr Amend's Pheromones For Women

w1Dr. Amend's formula to attract men is made with a specific group of pheromones that are designed to mimic the scent of an ovulating woman. The key pheromones that make up this scent are copulins and Estratetraenol.

This scent has shown in laboratory tests to spike a mans circulating testosterone and other libido hormones within 2 seconds of exposure.

One whiff of this nearly odorless yet alluring scent and your man will be subconsciously overwhelmed with feelings of sexual and romantic passion for you and only you, that he simply can not resist.

No longer will you have to tip-toe around the subject of commitment and your future together. Nor will you ever worry again about his most private thoughts and feelings about you as he opens up emotionally and finally lowers his guard to his heart and mind.

You will enjoy the satisfaction of watching him fall all over himself, as he literally becomes addicted to you. One look into his eyes and you will see that he is filled with deep and passionate desire for you and only you.

Finally you will have the relationship you have always dreamed of having, and one that you can brag about to your family and friends.

[maxbutton id="33"]

The Back Story on Pheromone
Discovery and Research . . .

Pheromones were discovered in animals in the late 1800’s and have been used extensively in farming and controlling insect and pest populations.

Monell Chemical Senses Center in PhiladelphiaIn 1986 at Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, scientists discovered that humans not only produce their own unique pheromones, but can sense and respond to them in remarkable ways.

The excitement of these initial findings has led to dozens of university and double blind studies proving their effectiveness in humans.

Soon, a virtual "pheromone revolution" began to spread throughout academia and research institutes. New information and revelations were pouring in from prestigious research institutions from around the country such as:

  • University of Utah School of Medicine
  • Rice University
  • The University of Chicago
  • Florida State University
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • San Francisco State University
Rice University

These studies and many more prove time and again that all humans have the capacity to produce, sense and respond to pheromones in remarkable and exciting ways.

how to apply

How To Apply Love Factor by Pheromone Advantage






It's best to apply it directly to the exposed surfaces of skin such as the back of the neck and forearms. In this way, the pheromones can evaporate into the air the entire day. Only one application per day is needed. We recommend using it sparingly at first to gauge the effectiveness. This special formulation is not an oil, rather it is a water soluble solution and will not stain clothing, and will need to be re-applied after bathing.

how pheromones work

Precisely How Pheromones Work

Scientists have known for decades about an organ just inside the nasal cavity called the vomeronasal organ or VNO, and its sole function is to detect trace amounts of airborne pheromones.

Researchers studying human pheromone response have focused on this tiny organ composed of two small pits a few centimeters inside the nasal passage. Specialized nerve pathways now known as "Nerve O" bypass the olfactory cortex and superior brain and lead from the VNO and run directly to the limbic region of the brain.

The limbic region of the brainThe limbic region of the brain is also known as the “seat of emotions”.  This region of the brain is NOT directly connected to our ability to reason or nor our conscious thought patterns, rather it controls our emotions and sexual desires.

When the limbic system is stimulated by pheromones, it sends it's corresponding signals to the hypothalamus. This is the part of the brain that connects the emotions to the endocrine system. When pheromones are detected the hypothalamus responds by signaling a flood of mood and libido elevating hormones into the blood stream.

When released these hormones circulate through out the body activating the sex response systems that in turn prepare the body and mood for sex, love and mating behavior. All of these events occur subconsciously, and are far outside of the control of the individual. A person will feel the tug of attraction even if they don't The sex sendocrinewant to. So, the stimulating feelings we experience from pheromones can be quite powerful.

When these sexual and romantic feelings overwhelm us, our brains release a chemicals such as oxytocin and  phenethylamine which in turn kicks on dopamine production and the next thing we know, the real fireworks begin.

This powerful cascade of events can happen in a matter of seconds, but the effects can last a life time. This is the phenomena that is sometimes referred to as "love at first sight", and is well documented in the annuls of brain literature.

Men and Women Respond
to Different Types of Pheromones

Women respond to a class of pheromones recreated in the sweat of men that are all derivatives of testosterone called andro-hormones. Androstadienone, Androstenone and Androstenol are three known pheromones in this class and all of which are components of our formula to attract women. 

Women exposed to these compounds have shown in numerous studies to not only spike in hormones that control libido, such as LH and oxytocin, but also has a positive effect on mood elevation and social cognition in general. 

Men on the other hand are responsive to a class of pheromones that are derivatives of estrogen such as estratetraeol  and another class of pheromones called copulins. Both are most abundant in the vaginal secretions of ovulating women.

Estratetraenol and Copulins are the key ingredients in our formula to attract men. Men who are exposed to the scent of an ovulating woman are shown in laboratory tests to have immediate spikes in circulating testosterone. A key hormone in male libido!

more proof

Want More Proof?

Evidence that human pheromones activate the human hypothalamus.Savic, I., Berglund, H., Gulyas, B., and Roland, P. (2001). Smelling of odorous sex hormone-like compounds causes sex differentiated hypothalamic activations in humans. Neuron 31, 661-668. Abstract HERE

KEY FINDING: Pheromones either from men or from women are processed in sexually dimorphic regions male and female brain. (see also Savic et al., 2005 cited below).

Pheromonal Responses in Humans Neuron 2001. 
Sobel, N and  Brown, W.M. (2001) The Scented Brain: Pheromonal Responses in Humans Neuron 2001 31: 512-514.”A robust hypothalamic response is seldom seen with ordinary odorants, and such an extreme sex difference is never seen with ordinary odorants. Considering that the hypothalamus mediates pheromonal effects and that sex specificity is a hallmark of pheromonal effects, Savic’s groundbreaking work adds significant weight to the claim that these compounds are human pheromones.”

Evidence that human pheromones elicit change in hormone levels in other humans. This evidence (from 1996 forward) is essential to the concept of human pheromones. No conclusive proof that human pheromones altered hormone levels in other humans was available prior to 1996. However, in 1992, Kohl’s first scientific presentation: ” Luteinizing hormone (LH), the link between sex and the sense of smell” predicted recent findings.

Male axillary extracts effect pulsatile secretion of luteinizing hormone [LH] and mood  in female recipients. Preti G,  Wysocki CJ,  Barnhart K,  Sondheimer SJ and Leyden JJ. Biology of Reproduction 2003 Jun;68(6):2107-13. Abstract HERE The findings from this study were presented during the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences (2001). KEY FINDING: Application of male axillary extracts affects mood and LH pulsatility, which can be used as an assay to isolate the active components of axillary extracts. SIGNIFICANCE: Pheromones from men change hormone levels (physiology) and mood (behavior?) in women. This affective response could be expected to occur in heterosexual relationships. Furthermore, changes in LH pulsatility could be expected to result in increased estrogen levels, and increased oxytocin (a “bonding” hormone also linked to orgasm) levels.

Shinohara K, Morofushi M, Funabashi T, Kimura F. (2001)  Axillary pheromones modulate pulsatile LH secretion in humans. Neuroreport. Apr 17;12(5):893-5. Abstract HERE.

Shinohara K. et. al., (2000) Abstract HERE
KEY FINDING: “androstenol retards the growth and maturation of ovarian follicles and consequently delays the timing of ovulation.”

Stern, K., & McClintock, M. (1998). Regulation of ovulation by human pheromones. Nature. Mar 12;392(6672):177-9. Abstract HERE.
KEY FINDING: “By showing in a fully controlled experiment that the timing of ovulation can be manipulated, this study provides definitive evidence of human pheromones.” SIGNIFICANCE: The pheromones of women change hormone levels (LH and FSH) in other women.

Monti-Bloch L, et. al., (1998) Abstract HEREKEY FINDING: Humans have a functional VNO and respond to pheromones with hormonal change.

Berliner DL, Monti-Bloch L, Jennings-White C, & Diaz-Sanchez V (1996). Abstract HEREKEY FINDING: existence of a human vomeronasal-hypothalamic-pituitary- gonadal system.

Discover Magazine
“Oxytocin is a versatile actor, whose resume includes all sorts of jobs in sex, reproduction, social behavior and emotions.  It can increase trust among people and make them more cooperative. It can increase the social skills of autistic people. It’s released during orgasm. It affects lactating breasts, contracting wombs and the behavior of sheep mothers towards their newly born lambs.

How the 'Love Hormone' Works Its Magic
A whiff of oxytocin lit up reward center in men's brains when they looked at their partner's face. Increasing trust, generosity, cognitive function, sexual arousal, bonding, maternal behavior, romantic attachment. HERE.

Journal of Psychological Science
Oxytocin also promotes mother-child bonding. One 2007 study published in the journal Psychological Science found that the higher a mom's oxytocin levels in the first trimester of pregnancy, the more likely they were to engage in bonding behaviors such as singing to or bathing their babies. HERE.

American Psychological Association
Oxytocin injected into the cerebrospinal fluid causes spontaneous erections in rats Gimpl G, Fahrenholz F (April 2001). "The oxytocin receptor system: structure, function, and regulation". Physiological Reviews 81 (2): 629–83. PMID 11274341.  HERE.

Oxytocin affects social distance between adult males and females, and may be responsible at least in part for romantic attraction and subsequent monogamous pair bonding. The researchers suggested that oxytocin may help promote fidelity within monogamous relationships. HERE.

Huffington Post
'Love Hormone' Oxytocin May Intensify Orgasms HERE

Live Science
it’s sometimes known as the "cuddle hormone" because it is released when people snuggle up or bond socially. Even playing with your dog can cause an oxytocin surge, according to a 2009 study.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do you really have a 6 month full money back guarantee?
A. Yes. No gimmicks and no questions asked. Ship an empty bottle(s) back to us within 6 months from the purchase date and it will be refunded in full.

Q. What are pheromones?
A. Pheromones are natural air-borne chemical hormones the body produces to attract the opposite sex.

Q. How are pheromones detected?
A. Pheromones are actually odorless and we can not detect them by scent. However, we are equipped with a 6th sense via an organ just inside the nasal cavity called the "vomeronasal organ" or VNO. Its sole function is to detect trace amounts of airborne pheromones, and then send electrical impulses to the limbic region of the brian which in turn controls our emotions and sexual desires.

Q. Is there any evidence that shows pheromones can be applied to our skin in an effort to attract women?

A. Yes.  The science is real and the evidence is clear. There are dozen's of scientific double blind university studies.

Q. Do humans naturally produce their own pheromones?

A. Absolutely! Concentrated levels of pheromones can be found in the areas of our underarms, nipples and groin.  As we make love, cuddle and experience skin to skin contact we also release circulating levels of oxytocin, that reinforce feelings of love and commitment. 

Q. Is Dr. Amend's Pheromone Advantage scented like a cologne or perfume?

A. No. The advantage formula is virtually odorless and can be worn with your favorite cologne, perfume or essential oils.

Q. How much do I apply it.
A. It is best to apply it on the exposed surfaces of the skin such as the neck, chest and forearms. Pheromone Advantage is for external use only, and is much like an essential oil. You simply dab on a small portion and rub it into the skin like you would a lotion. You can experiment with various portions, but you do not need to slather on large amounts. This special formulation is highly concentrated and only requires small amounts to be highly effective.

Q. How long does a single application last?
A. Several internal studies have shown that a single application is most effective in the first 6 to 12 hours of use. However, bathing and swimming can dramatically reduce it's effect and may require reapplication.

Q. Do the pheromones have a long shelf life?
A. Yes, the effectiveness of the compounds does not diminish over time. You can keep these bottles around for several years.

Q. Can I use it with sunscreen?
A. Sunscreen has not shown to interfere with effectiveness and can be worn with the formula.

Q. What are the terms of your 6 month, 100% money back guarantee?
A. Simple. Try it for 6 months risk free. If you are not completely satisfied in every way, simply return the unused portion for a full refund, including the shipping and handling fees. No questions asked!

Q. How long does it take to receive my order?
A. All orders are shipped by the next business day via United States Postal Service with confirmed delivery receipt. You should allow 5 to 7 days for delivery.

Q. What name will show up on my credit card statement?
A. We respect your privacy, and all credit card charges will be from "Dr Amend Direct LLC". No identifying information will be revealed on the statement.

Q. Is your packaging discreet?
A. Yes. Our packages are sent out in plain boxes and will read "Dr Amend Direct LLC". There will be no indication on the packaging as to it's contents.

benefits bullets

Start Enjoying the MANY Benefits
that So Many of Our Customers Have Experienced . . .

  • Turns a commitment-phobe into a passionate committed lover

  • Gets men you previously met to show more interest

  • Helps single women attract, seduce and capture the heart of any man

  • Reignites passion into existing relationships

  • Helps any woman find the amazing committed relationship she as always dreamed of having

  • Gets him realize you are "THE ONE" he's been looking for

  • Brings a smoldering passion back to love making like never before

  • Subconsciously fills him with overwhelming love and lasting commitment

  • Reinforces monogamy and faithful behavior in all men

  • Melts any resistance in his heat, releasing his hidden romantic nature

  • Helps you find the perfect life mate that's right for you

  • Gets your love life back on track again, by moving out of romantic limbo and into lasting committed love

13 reasons to buy

11 Perfectly Logical Reasons
to Try "Love Factor" Today!

  • Dozens of scientific studies prove pheromones and oxytocin to be effective in attracting men and feelings of committed love!

  • 6 Month PERSONAL GUARANTEE: it works for YOU or your money back! No hassles, no questions asked!

  • Doctor formulated formulas for maximum effect!

  • Super discreet shipping and billing. Pkg and billing read "Dr. Amend Direct LLC"! Keeps it your little secret!

  • One-time purchase, with NO auto billing !!!

  • Unscented so you can wear it with your favorite perfume or body spray!

  • No one will know you're wearing it, unless you tell them!

  • You can't buy our pheromones in any store. Only available online!

  • Secure on line purchase with 32 bit encryption!

  • Privacy policy legally binds us to not sell or share your information with anyone!

  • Don't let this GOLDEN opportunity get lost in the shuffle of life, do it today!


the bottom line

The Bottom Line . . .

Look, I know your situation is unique. But, if you are still reading this its likely that your love life could use improvement at least on some level.  And, because you have a burning desire to turn things around once and for all, you owe it to yourself to try Pheromone Advantage for women and get your love life moving in the right direction again.

No matter if you are single and looking for the man of your dreams, or you are in a relationship and are having doubts of any kind about his commitment and love for you, Love Factor can make all the difference in the world. 

So, right now you you have one of two choices to make. 

Choice number one is you leave this page without trying Pheromone Advantage.  This choice takes you back to the path you have been on until now. One riddled with deep concerns and doubts about the future. You definitely don't want that.

Which is why you should seriously consider choice number two. Just click the order button below and give Love Factor a try.  This option leads you in a brand new direction, into a whole new world of infinite possibilities. A new world that is all your own, where you have finally found that island of happiness you have always dreamed of sharing with the one man you so desperately want to spend the rest of your life with.

I've unlocked the door. All you have to do is walk through it. I hope you understand that I've stacked the deck so much in your favor that you can't lose. Actually there is one way you can lose, by walking away from this wonderful opportunity to give Love Factor a chance to make a difference in your love life. 

You've suffered and craved real passion for long enough. Just click the button and place order right now.  I personally guarantee you'll be glad you did.

Dr. Virgil A. Amend D.C.

Dr. Virgil A. Amend D.C.

P.S.  Nothing will change unless you take the first step towards something new.

P.P.S.  I’m taking 100% of the risk. Try it now for 6 months, if you are not thrilled with the results, I'll buy every (used or unused) bottle back from you at full price. You risk nothing, and have everything in the world to gain. Do it now, before life gets in the way and you miss out on this great opportunity for your love life and happiness.

Formula to Attract Women

"Pheromones for Women"

Womens 1 bottle

buy 1Womens pheromones

To Attract Men
1 Month Supply
Regular Price $59.95

Now Only $49.95
Plus $5.95 S/H
5 to 7 Day Delivery

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Womens 3 bottles

buy 2Womens pheromones

To Attract Men
3 Month Supply

Regular Price $179.85

Now Only $99.90
FREE Priority Shipping
2 to 3 Day Delivery

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Womens 6 bottles

buy 3Womens pheromones

To Attract Men
Best value!6 Month Supply

Regular Price $359.70

Now Only $149.85
FREE Overnight Shipping!

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This is a One-Time Purchase

This is a One-Time Purchase
No Auto Billing!!!

We Ship All Around The World! All international destinations will go out regular First Class Mail via USPS. International orders welcome! Please allow 10 to 14 days for delivery due to customs. Package will read "lotion".

Single bottle orders will be shipped First Class US Mail and should expect delivery within 5 to 7 business days.

*Orders that qualify for FREE overnight shipping must be received by 3pm CST.
Overnight deliveries will be made via USPS Express mail service, and can be delivered to PO Boxes.

My Iron Clad 6 Month Money Back Guarantee – gray header

My Iron Clad 6 Month Money Back Guarantee

My Iron Clad 6 Month Money Back Guarantee – verbiage

6 Month money back guaranteeNow, if you're worried this might not be for you, don't worry because you're covered with my iron-clad, 6 month unconditional 100% money back - love it or leave it - guarantee!

That's right! It's a full 6 month unconditional 100% money back guarantee.

You'll have a full six months to evaluate Love Factor to see if its right for you. Use a little or use it all, it doesn't matter, because if you are not happy with your small investment for any reason what so ever...even if it works perfectly...and you are just having a bad day.

Dr. Virgil A. Amend D.C.All you have to do is send it back the to the address printed on the label for a full and complete refund. All we ask is that you give it a fair try

NO questions asked!

Our address is:

Pheromone Advantage
11841 W. O’Neil St
Wichita, KS 67212

You don't even have to write the address down. It's printed on the label of every bottle. Just ship it back with your name and address.  That's it!

Plus, if you have any questions at all about your order, simply give our support team a call at 1-800-685-1902 or shoot them an an email at

Fast and Super Discreet Shipping – gray header

fast shippingFast and Super Discreet Shipping

Fast and Super Discreet Shipping – verbiage

Discretion and privacy are our chief shipping objectives.

Discreet shipping

Absolutely NO indication on the box or shipping container as to it's contents.
2. Card Statement Will Read DR AMEND DIRECT LLC
3. Shipped From Address Will Read DR AMEND DIRECT LLC.
4. All orders via United States Postal Mail with confirmed delivery receipt.
** Please allow 2 to 3 business days for processing.



address, support and clickbank verbiage

Dr. Amend Direct LLC
11841 O'Neil St.
Wichita, KS 67212

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ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

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