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Women's Sample Emails / Swipe Copy
Tips for better deliver ability
Please keep in mind that ISP email gatekeepers track and record the subject lines and contents of ALL emails passing through them. When they see "exact duplication" they throttle or spambox, if not outright bounce, those emails. If you're not hitting the inbox you can't close the sale!!
Tips for better response from your list
- Try and incorporate your personality into this copy for your best possible conversions! Personal use story's convert the best. Skype me at drew.amend1 for a free sample.
- Think of the swipes as a starting point for you to ad lib. The more people who use them verbatim, the less effective the swipes will be.
- Use multiple links throughout your email copy. And always put one very near the top, and very near the bottom.
- It bares mentioning that it's important to use some form of tracking redirect.
- 6. PLEASE no negative branding tricks. It's just not nice.
Here are studies you can reference to help you write your own product reviews and emails.
How Human Pheromones Affect Attraction - google scholar results
How Human Pheromones Affect Attraction - google web results
»» Click here to get your affiliate links - if you don't have them already 🙂
aff content – email group 1 – for single women for our pheromone product
Email swipes for WOMEN (Not Married)
*Pheromones for WOMEN - to attract men
Suggested subject lines: [textbox rows="1" width="760"]Have you heard about this 'instant attraction trick'?[/textbox] Email 1 [textbox rows="50" width="760"] Hey [FName] If you want him to commit and express his Remember when you first started dating, and Does he now suddenly pull away without Getting men to express their love and This may actually be too easy, and it's almost It use to be called 'Unfair Advantage. You'll know what I mean, when you see >>>You AFF LINK<<<<< This can effectively primes his emotions for Seem too easy? There’s actually a lot of science behind it, Best part is it works silently on your behalf, Some people think it’s controversial, so >>>You AFF LINK<<<<< Best regards, [Your Name] Be careful, this stuff is powerful attraction fuel, Unless you want too 😉 [/textbox]Click here for email 1
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Too easy - 'Instant Attraction'[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]This 'secret trick' makes him obsessed with YOU and only you...[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Post coital 'snuggle-bait'?[/textbox]
love to you, then keep reading this email.
the two of you couldn't keep your hands off
of each other?
warning? Especially after making love?
commitment may be easier than you think.
unfair, but I know you’re going to LOVE it.
commitment like nothing else can, and will
make him like putty in your hands all over
and it was developed by Dr. Virgil Amend.
and proximity is all that matters.
check it out now before it’s gone.
so do don't use it around other men.
Suggested subject lines: [textbox rows="1" width="760"]Curvy girls are using this to make men obsessed with them...[/textbox] Email 2 [textbox rows="50" width="760"] Hey [FName] Do you sometimes wish you had Sometimes it seems that’s all men But, there are others ways to get and This is an ‘attraction secret’ that not This is something ANYONE can use, You’ll see what I mean here… >>>AFFILIATE LINK<<<< This actually works, and was developed This ‘love bait’ is known to turn boyfriends Some curvy girls are using this to get men It will all make perfect sense when you >>>AFFILATE LINK<<<< Some people consider this kind of Better to check it out now before it's Kind regards, [Your Name] PS. Be careful, this is powerful attraction Unless you want to 😉 [/textbox]Click here for email 2
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]This ‘attraction secret’ – makes you absolutely irresistible to men[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]This ‘attraction secret’ works better than big boobs and skinny hips[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Too easy! - 'Instant attraction secret'[/textbox]
bigger boobs and skinner hips?
care about.
keep a man's full attention.
a lot of women know about yet.
and sometimes it can be more effective than
anything else.
by Dr. Virgil Amend, who spent years
researching and developing it.
into husbands, or even complete strangers
into passionate lovers.
absolutely obsessed with them.
go here…
controversial, and I don't know how
long it will remain online.
fuel. So, if you already have a boyfriend don’t
use it around other men.
Suggested subject lines: [textbox rows="1" width="760"]Try this one simple trick gets him chasing YOU, and only you[/textbox] [/textbox] Email 3 [textbox rows="50" width="760"] Hey [FName] Has your boyfriend become withdrawn Do you fear his wandering eyes are Or worse, has he stopped responding If so, don't panic! And for God's sake, stop It's time to turn the tables, and get We all know that guys are largely driven What if you could win his heart, love, You can actually! This is like having your This will get his attention fixated on YOU You'll know what I mean when you see >>>AFFILIATE LINK<<<< This is almost too easy. Some might In fact, it used to be called 'Unfair This will get him chasing after you It works silently on your behalf, and Discover it here... >>> Aff LINK HERE <<<< Some people consider this kind of Better to check it out now before it's Kind regards, [Your Name] Be careful, this is powerful attraction Unless you want to 😉 >>> AFFILIATE LINK HERE <<<< [/textbox]Click here for email 3
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]This one thing makes him putty in your hands[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Do you fear his wandering eyes are wandering too far? Do this now…[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Does he sometimes suddenly pull away? Do this now…
lately, especially after making love?
wandering too far?
at all?
texting him.
him chasing after you again, and this
will do it.
by their hormones, but did you know his
heart is too?
and commitment without sex or other
desperate gestures?
very own remote control for his emotions.
and only YOU, faster than an extra set of
big boobs and skinny hips.
think it's unfair.
again, and the best part is you won't
need to say or do anything different.
proximity is all that matters.
controversial, and I don't know how
long it will remain online.
fuel, so don't use it around other men.
aff content – email group 1 – for married women for our pheromone product
Email swipes for WOMEN who are married
*Pheromones for WOMEN - to attract men
Click here for email 1
Suggested subject lines:
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Where did the spark go? Try this now...[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Do you and hubby go on dates anymore? Try this 'Date Bait'[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Does he opt for sleep over sex? Do this now...[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Do you and hubby go to bed at different times? Try this...[/textbox]
Email 1
[textbox rows="70" width="760"]
Hey [FName]
Does your husband often opt for
sleep over sex?
Have you stopped going on 'date
Do you ever cuddle on the sofa
These are all signs that the spark
between you is fading fast.
This is your "Red Alert", to do
something NOW!
I going to show you a way to get
the passion back, most people
don't know about yet.
I'm talking about the kind of
passion you had when when you
were first dating and couldn't
keep your hands off of each
Seem impossible, or like too
much work?
It might be easier than you think!
You'll know what I mean, when you see
This a simple 'silent method' to ignite
his passion again, without you having
to actually doing or say anything.
In fact, proximity is all that matters.
Seem too easy?
There’s actually a lot of science
behind it, and it was developed
by Dr. Virgil Amend over 15 years
Some people think it’s kind of
controversial, so check it out
now before it’s gone.
>>You AFF LINK<<<<<
Best regards,
[Your Name]
Be careful, this stuff is powerful
attraction fuel,so do don't use
it around other men.
Unless you want too 😉
aff content – email group 1 – mixed gender
Email swipes for MIXED GENDER audience
*Pheromones for BOTH GENDERS - seeking to attract the opposite sex and spice up their love life
Click here for email 1
Suggested subject lines:
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Have you heard about this 'instant attraction' trick? [/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Too easy! Instant attraction made simple[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]The gurus are calling this 'relationship super fuile'[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]The relationship gurus are calling this 'attraction super fuel' [/textbox]
Email 1
[textbox rows="35" width="760"]
Hey [FName],
If you want to attract the opposite sex without saying a
word, read the rest of this email.
There is something called ‘love at first sight’. The reason it
works isn’t something that people are normally able to
But actually there is a short cut…
It’s almost an unfair fix that starts the process of “love at first
Discover it here:
There’s actually a lot of science behind it, and it was
developed by Dr. Virgil Amend.
Best part is you don’t do or say anything differently.
This actually primes the opposite sex into to be
instantly attracted to you and makes them like putty
in your hand.
It’s kind of controversial so check it out now
before it’s gone.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
PS. Be careful, this stuff is powerful attraction fuel.
Click here for email 2
Suggested subject lines:
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Silent seduction?[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]This is your new ‘’ weapon[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]This is your new ‘silent seduction’ weapon[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Is this 'attraction hack' an 'unfair advantage'?[/textbox]
Email 2
[textbox rows="35" width="760"]
Hey [FName]
Are you attracted to someone, who may not
see you in the same way?
Do you want to turn it around?
What if you could control their attraction, like
you had a remote control to their emotions?
Actually you can.
It’s almost an unfair fix that starts the process of attraction
almost instantly.
Discover it here…
This 'unfair advantage' turns the tables and
gets them chasing you for a change.
Best part is, you won't have to do or say
anything different.
Go here and learn about this new silent
seduction secret before it's gone.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
PS. Be careful, this stuff is powerful attraction fuel.
Click here for email 3
Suggested subject lines:
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Number one “silent attraction” secret for couples[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]The best ‘silent attraction’ secret ever[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Best attraction hack since tight jeans and skinny hips[/textbox]
Email 3
[textbox rows="35" width="760"]
Hey [FName],
What if you could attract amazing lover
without saying a word?
You know there is a magnetic appeal that certain
people have.
But what if you could just have it, without
doing anything what so ever?
Almost like magic.
Well you can do that actually, and this
really works, and there is a lot of research
behind it.
In fact Dr. Virgil Amend has recently revealed
a "zero work" method to by-pass anyone’s
mental defenses.
This isn't anything you have to do or say.
Nothing at all!
It works silently on your behalf, and
proximity is all that matters.
Discover it here
Some people consider this controversial, and
I don't know how long it will remain online.
Better to check it out now before it's gone.
Kind regards,
Your Name
PS. Be careful, this is powerful attraction fuel.
Click here for email 4
Suggested subject lines:
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]This ‘attraction science hack’ is fool proof[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Simple done for you “silent seduction hack”[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Your new ‘silent seduction’ weapon[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Is this an 'attraction hack' or an ‘unfair advantage’? You decide…[/textbox]
[textbox rows="1" width="760"]Attraction science hack? Or natural unfair romantic advantage?[/textbox]
Email 4
[textbox rows="34" width="760"]
Hey [FName],
Have you heard about this 'attraction science
hack', that you can use to your romantic advantage.
It's almost unfair.
In fact, years ago this used to be called "Unfair
It was developed by Dr. Virgil Amend
who spent years researching and making it.
This is pretty amazing stuff, and fool proof!
Andy by "fool proof" I mean you can't even
screw this up. Seriously!
You don't have to say anything or act
differently in any way.
Check it out here… and don't even think
about leaving the page until you have
read the science behind it.
It will make total sense when you see this...
Let me know how it works for you!
Kind regards,
Your Name
PS. Be careful, this stuff is powerful attraction
fuel, and somewhat controversial. So go now
before it’s gone.
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